Dave Paris Portrait in DR Thinking
David Paris is a seven time acrobatic dance champion and an America's Got Talent finalist. He is the author of A COVID Story which documents his 30 days in medical coma and 88 days in the hospital.  He is also the author of Laughable Legends Vol. I & II and The Middle School Election series.  He is the director of Social Emotional Learning at M.S. 88 in Brooklyn, NY and is a trainer in NVC/Non-Violent Communication.  Paris has taught and performed in twenty-six countries and created thirteen instructional videos. 


In his twenty-five years as an educator, David Paris has encountered middle schoolers from all walks of life. He has also encountered the many reasons that his students are reluctant to read. They believed it had no intrinsic value in their lives, and they didn’t understand its future importance. Paris spent his career helping students work past this reluctance and experience the joy of a good book.

Laughable Legends of M.S. 99, a series of short stories that address the realities of adolescence and school in fun and fulfilling ways. His collection includes tales of a student dedicated to failing every class he takes, a girl obsessed with circles who meets a boy who loves lines, a fight between a busy graffiti artist and the school custodian, a mean bully cursed by the school witch, and other unique and hilarious situations. Even the most hesitant reader will find something to love about Paris’s work, and middle schoolers will discover that they’re not alone. In this crazy world of hormones, gossip, and gamers, the power of books brings everyone together.

David Paris - Book Graphic