Laughable Legends of M.S. 99
M.S. 99 is a school of hilarious stories and legendary students. The tales include a student dedicated to failing every class he takes, a girl obsessed with circles who meets a boy who loves lines, and a mean bully cursed by the school witch. Each new situation leads to surprising endings and important life lessons.
This short story collection, created and developed by educator David Paris, also contains a series of discussion questions designed to foster engagement with readers. He encourages you to enjoy the hilarious stories but also think about how they apply to your life and your own middle school experience!
By Justin Delle Caveon October 15, 2017 (Amazon Review)
A great read for middle schoolers and their parents alike! My new 6th grader had been in a reading slump that coincided with his transition to a new middle school, but he really loved these accessible short stories. I read the book too, and the stories were well paced, relatable, engaging and helped him feel less alone in this new phase of his life. Highly recommended to middle schoolers (and their parents) everywhere.
I wish I had this book back in middle school!
By Jim Sovieroon October 22, 2017 (Amazon Review)
The author sustained his energy and sense of humor throughout. I pictured him delighting as he penned each hyperbole. While the structure remained consistent across stories, the content, the “legends”, varied enough to keep me guessing. He took each story where it wanted to go rather than parading the characters about as object lessons. I admire the author’s courage as I deem this road, he being a schoolteacher, a bold one to take.